
Ok nice to be positive, but I continue to see the problem of these pseudo-AI which as semi-automatic tools completely replace photographers, illustrators, web designers. As well as graphic designers who are already in front of a rare job.

The real AI will come later, into few decades.

I have seen when "disruption" hits your profession, or your industry: this happened both to photographers (seen from the outside, in the early 00s) with the transition to digital, and then to web designers (in this case directly) at first the "dam" holds, because the customers are conformists and don't move, but then someone experiments and at a certain point you discover that the price/value of a job is halved, or has a free substitute (an example, Facebook company pages)...



Giovanni Minelli

Art director & Designer. Writing about Apple, alternative OS, marketing and photography • www.minodesign.it